Do1Thing Resources
Welcome Do 1 Thing Partners! Please read our welcome letter.
In this section you will find a variety of downloadable resources to help you promote the Do 1 Thing program and help the people you care about become better prepared for emergencies and disasters. Check out our organizational report to learn more about how we got started. These materials are free for you to use and distribute. They are all copyrighted materials, so please don’t modify them unless noted. We do ask that you cite our website. Please read our usage guidelines to see how to promote our program.
Fact Sheets
The following are the fact sheets in various formats. Please feel free to photocopy these and distribute. Some ideas: leave a stack in your lobby each month, place them in your employee pay envelopes, include them in newsletters or attach them to group emails.
PowerPoint Presentations
The following are PowerPoint presentations that you can use to promote the Do 1 Thing program at meetings and other gatherings.
Brochures & Flyers
The following files are brochures that you can distribute to promote the Do 1 Thing program.
Feel free to photocopy and distribute these flyers and brochures.
Print-Ready Materials
These files can be reproduced by professional print shops to produce high-quality brochures.
Partner Banner Ad
Let the public know you are a Do1Thing Partner by including this banner ad on your company website. Just copy the HTML code below and paste it into the content of your website.

<a href=””><img src=”” alt=”Do1Thing – Small steps toward being prepared for an emergency”/></a>
Additional Language Resources
Accessibility Resources
Make a Plan
Work, School and Community
Unique Family Needs
Family Communication Plan
Get Involved
Be Informed
- Large Print Fact Sheet
- Visual Fact Sheet
- Video 1
- Video 2
- Audio
Emergency Supplies
- Large Print Fact Sheet
- Visual Fact Sheet
- Video 1
- Video 2
- Audio
First Aid
- Large Print Fact Sheet
- Visual Fact Sheet
- Video 1
- Video 2
- Audio
Braille Resources
To obtain resources in braille, please email us at We would be happy to mail them to you!
Additional Resources
Prep & Parey Coloring Book
How Kids Can Prepare For Emergencies