Articles & Announcements2021-04-01T12:41:25-04:00

Do1Thing Articles & Announcements

Emergency Supplies 2021

December 20, 2021|

  Do you have enough emergency supplies in case of an emergency or disaster? During the month of November, our topic focuses on making sure you have what you need at home, work, school, or

Communication and Disasters

July 8, 2021|

How well do you know the number of your family members and friends? If you had to dial their numbers in an emergency, would you be able to do so? During the month of July

Take Our 1 Minute Survey

June 21, 2021|

Help us grow our program by answering a few questions. We would love to know how you are doing on your preparedness journey. Thank you for supporting Do1Thing and becoming disaster resilient! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BKH2V7S  


March 5, 2021|

GOAL FOR JULY: Have the ability to communicate with family members during a disaster. Today we have more ways to speak with one another than ever before. We are

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Become an Ambassador!

November 19, 2019|

Become a Do1Thing Preparedness Ambassador Did you know that Do1Thing has an Ambassador program? Do1Thing is staffed by one person, our executive director and governed by a board of directors and a host of volunteers.

Save the Date! Do1Thing Day 2019

June 12, 2019|

Emergency Preparedness Fair Join us for a FREE emergency preparedness community event. We want to see our communities become more disaster resilient and we want to see you at our event this year!

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