About Us
Do1Thing is a non-profit organization that promotes emergency preparedness for individuals and businesses. Our goal is to build disaster resilient communities by using a whole community approach to preparedness. Do1Thing takes emergency preparedness and breaks it down in to small easy steps each month to make preparing easier.
Started in 2005 by a group of local emergency managers in the Lansing, MI area, Do1Thing intended to provide only fact sheets but with overwhelming local support, it soon grew into its own non-profit. Our resources are translated into several languages, large and low literacy print formats, as well as audio and video formats. Do1Thing has been nationally recognized and awarded by agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and the Federal Emergency Management Agency for its preparedness efforts.
Our board is comprised of volunteers who serve as experts in their field including, but not limited to emergency management, human services, emergency services, utility agencies and more. As a small nonprofit, with just one employee, Do1Thing relies on its partners and outreach to help keep the program growing.
Feeling pretty prepared? Check out our Emergency Preparedness Ambassador course. Learn how to help your community become better prepared.
Board Members
Meghan Swain, MPA
Do1Thing Executive Director & Region 1 Planner
Lansing Office of Emergency Management
Tammy Blackburn, Departmental Analyst
Emergency Management & Homeland Security
Michigan State Police Division
David Brown, M.S., CBCP, PEM
Business Continuity Program Manager
Emergent Holdings
Carl Buonodono
Nutrition Director
Tri-County Office on Aging
Brian Chambers, Disaster Prog. Manager
Disaster Program Manager
Mid-Michigan Chapter-Red Cross
Dean Hartenburg
Safety & Emergency Manager
Sparrow Clinton & Ionia Hospitals
Thomas C. Helms II, PEM
Emergency Services Director
Clinton County, MI
Kristie Helms, PEM
Grant Specialist
Emergency Management & Homeland Security
Michigan State Police Division
Ronda Oberlin, PEM, CFM, CEM
Emergency Management Specialist
Lansing Office of Emergency Management
Jane Troutman, Analyst
Emergency Management & Homeland Security
Support & Outreach Unit
Ryan Wilkinson
Emergency Manager
Eaton County