Welcome to our new Executive Director Raynika J. Battle! Goodbye to Erika Mahoney on her last day as the Do1Thing Executive Director.
Back in 2009 when I started as an AmeriCorps VISTA working on Do1Thing I had no idea what to expect. I was fresh out of graduating from Michigan State with my Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. In fact where Do1Thing’s office is wasn’t actually where I was originally going to be working out of, but one of our board members and my former boss Trent Atkins decided to take a chance on me. We all joke I was adopted, and I have been here ever since. I almost knew right away that this was what I was going to be working on for a while. I have loved working to ensure that so many more of you are better prepared. Do1Thing to me has never felt like a job but something I loved that I got to do every day. I have enjoyed working on making a small regional program into our own non-profit in 2011. I have been blessed to meet so many passionate preparedness partners and we wouldn’t be anything without all of you and your support. The opportunities and all of you have been amazing. As Do1Thing will continue to grow and evolve it is time for me to say thank you! We wouldn’t be anything each and every one of you!
Today July 1st is my last day! I have accepted a new position in Washington, DC and I will start July 10th. My new job is working as a HR Specialist at FEMA headquarters. I am most excited to put my Master’s in Human Resources to good use. With that I want to thank each and every one of you again for all your support. I will miss all of you that I have been in contact with for many years and will proudly watch as Do1Thing continues to be a national and now international leader in Emergency Preparedness!
I am most excited to introduce to you all Raynika J. Battle Do1Thing Executive Director. Do1Thing is very lucky that we have Raynika on board. I am most confident that Raynika was destined to take this position. She is a joy and I know she can’t wait to meet all of you!
Thank You,
Erika Mahoney, MSA,PEM
Do1Thing Executive Director